Unlock your brand story.
Watch the doors open wide.

Hello there

I’m Amanda, a freelance copywriter, storyteller, problem-solver, and London Fog critic. Around here you’ll find savvy marketing and advertising copywriting services to help grow your brand and custom solutions for whatever project you’re dreaming up.

How can hiring a

copywriter help?

People need to know why they should care about what you’re saying.

Storytelling is part of the puzzle here, but so is selling. And maybe you can write, but do you know how to sell?

To see everything you say as one big, cohesive experience that hits your goals from start to finish? That’s copywriting, my friend.

Maybe you have an exciting idea or dream but can’t explain it with confidence to your clients or teammates.

Your small business has a big communication challenge that’s haunting you like a ghost.
Or there’s your website that makes you want to shrink into a corner when networking.

What you say and how you say it from now on, matters.

You look more professional. You can showcase your talents. You can explain your products or services in a way that compels someone to “add to cart.” You have what to say in your back pocket no matter who you’re talking to.

I offer copy packages like the ones below that can help any business, big or small. For those looking to level up, I also provide strategic brand messaging solutions to help you sound consistent and authentic in all copy and communications.

Do any of these messaging challenges feel familiar?

“We’ve never been able to explain what we do clearly.”

“I don’t know how to tell people why they should pick me.”

“Our current messaging is so complicated — we’re confused and our customers are confused. ”

“All our communications and presentations sound totally different, no one’s on the same page.” 

“I don’t know what kind of social content I should be making.” 

“I need a website but I don’t know what to put on it.” 

“We tried to integrate SEO terms but now our site reads like a deranged robot wrote the copy.”

I have solved all these common headaches for my clients. And the challenges brands and businesses didn’t even know were coming.

Copywriting is creative problem-solving. And I’m pretty damn good at solving and preventing problems with words.

My services

  • Compare packages for new website copy, existing site audits, social media ads, emails, and product launches.

  • Get space-friendly and effective copy for brochures, direct mail, flyers, and more.

  • Use these tools as a compass for content and communications. See packages for messaging guidelines and brand tone discovery sessions.

  • For creatives on a tight budget. I have created digital downloads and tools just for you here for when you have to DIY. Coming soon.

“Amanda is one of those rare and exceptional writers which speaks highly of her creative skillset in the ability to mold into any brand and give them a voice. Furthermore, she also distinguishes problems you did not know existed and then goes on to provide the exact solution your brand needs.”

– Amy Flores, Art Director

“But I’m not a brand…”

Hey, wait right there. If you sell something, make something, offer something — guess what, you can be a brand. And you should be.

The coolest thing happens when you flip that switch. Trust me, there’s so much power in thinking about your business as a brand. And we’re going to start here with what you say and how you say it. 

Maybe you’re struggling with:

  • How to explain a product or service clearly

  • Coming up with what to say in your content 

  • Narrowing down what products are worth selling

  • Sending out sale emails or launch emails that sound like you

  • Finding the right customers

  • Selling what you do in a room of important people

  • Answering “what’s next?” 

  • Finding branding elements like logos, colours, etc. that feel like that fit

I can show you how thinking of yourself as a brand can empower you today and help shape where you’re heading tomorrow. 

Starting with my Messaging guide packages below.

Messaging guide packages

  • A brand messaging guide, brand tone discovery session, and copy for a 5-page website.

  • Brand messaging guide including a brand tone discovery session.

  • Not ready for a full brand messaging guide yet? Start with nailing down how your brand sounds with a brand tone discovery session

What I’m up to on Instagram